John 12th September 2020

Happy Birthday Gorgeous I have your cards up from Michael, Alan, Debra and myself and I hope you like your flowers. We are doing a sponsored walk tomorrow for you. We will be leaving the Market Place in Durham at 11:00 and will go up past the Cathedral then up to the Mountjoy Centre to look at your seat because Michael, Alan and Debra havn't seen it. There will be twenty five of us and we will then go down through Shincliffe woods, past Houghall college's stables and come out at the Pump House at Shincliffe. We are booked into the Rose Tree Pub at 12:45 for a drink or two. We will then walk down the river bank paths back into Durham. It should take approx two and a half hours and then I have booked our Anne, David, Michael, Alison and myself into the Stag's Head for our dinner. We already have some sponsors so I will keep you up to date on what we raise. I walked the route on Thursday and it's a lovely walk as long as it keeps dry. The forecast is pretty good and we are all looking forward to it. It is four years this week since we jetted of to Ixia and that lovely hotel you picked for your 60th birthday. I was looking at some pictures the other day and one especially made me laugh. It was the one where you are standing on the crazy golf podium after beating me yet again (I think you had spiked my tea once again haha) I miss you so much pet everyday and life is certainly not as much fun without you. You made me so happy. Happy birthday pet. Lots of love forever and ever and always. Your loving husband John xxxxxxx